DidItBetter Support

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Basic Email Support

DidItBetter Software licensed apps include at least one year software assurance which enables you to update and upgrade to new releases for free within your software assurance term (1, 2, or 3 years). These updates are available for download from our website Downloads area. Basic email support is available on the licensed app for accounts in good standing. For email support, open a ticket online to fill out a short support request form. Tickets are reviewed and answered on a first come, first serve basis, with priority to Premier Support. Basic email support resolutions average between 2 to 4 days to resolve and sometimes must be escalated to Premier Support for resolution. Average resolution times for Premier Support via remote connection to the replication machine is 30 minutes to an hour or so. All accounts must be in good standing to enjoy the free email support benefit.   

Basic email support does not cover third party product support, migrations, moves/reinstalling on a new replication machine, Outlook custom forms, customization requests, disaster recovery, remote or phone support, training, or any email support requests escalated to remote support for resolution. Non-covered email support issues fall under Premier Support for assistance.


Premier Support

Premier Support covers remote and phone support services with our certified DidItBetter Technical Support team and remote sessions are held by appointment. Our DidItBetter Technical Support team is available to help you weekdays between 9 AM and 5 PM ET, excluding U.S. holidays. To accommodate our end users in different time zones, weekday after-hour support up to 10 PM ET (last remote appointment at 7 PM ET) or before 9 AM ET may be arranged when scheduled a few days in advance. We also offer Premier Support – Extended Business Hours Access plans for those who prefer access to support beyond our regular business hours – email us for more info.

Premier Support tickets take priority over basic email support requests. We offer several fee-based enhanced services – options below.

If you have Premier Support time left and need to schedule a session, open a ticket online.

Top Benefits of Premier Support


Responsive Tech Support

When we get involved, we shorten the time to issue resolution significantly compared to doing it on your own or with back and forth email. Just sit back and relax … let us connect and show you. No log in credentials needed.

All Star Pro Team

Our team of engineers know our apps best and are here to provide professional support services. Our DidItBetter Software engineers are experienced in supporting our sync apps in different environments and very knowledgeable in a variety of Microsoft products.Prior to supporting an end user’s install, our engineers work closely with a DidItBetter Software mentor to master our apps through extensive training and& testing to ensure consistent services. The best way to contact our DidItBetter Professional Services team is opening a ticket online.

Not a 'Use It or Lose It' Plan

After the Premier Support remote session is over, any time left on your block of Premier Support hours may be used for any future support needed. The remaining time does not expire until it’s used up!

Cost Savings

Premier Support is more cost effective than purchasing individual single priority support sessions. The higher the block of time, the higher the savings. With Premier Support, it takes us an hour to an hour and half to resolve the average ticket and re-certify your DidItBetter Software installation; migrations/moves take longer depending on the migration plan. For non-scheduled emergency support requests, time is deducted at time and a half from your remaining hours.

Premier Support | Select a Plan

Premier Support is available in the following blocks of time — 2, 4, 8, 15 or 20 hours.

2 hour block  buy now

4 hour block  buy now

8 hour block  buy now

15 hour block  buy now

20 hour block  buy now

Already have Premier Support and need help? Open a Ticket.

Proof of Concept Trial Install Session

For first time, new trial users only. Not every organization’s sync requirement or environment is the same. We can help. One of our engineers will remote connect to the replication machine to assist with your DidItBetter Software ‘Proof of Concept’ (PoC) trial guided installation. Consider taking advantage of this option to ensure a successful trial, especially if converting from another app in case you may or may not have to de-sync the replicated data to avoid duplicates when running the initial DidItBetter Software sync. 

We will use our (or your) remote control software to install and configure the relationships and options while consulting and training you on best practices, folder relationship replication settings for your specific sync needs, and the norms for your configuration. The PoC trial install involved one of our engineers certifying your install for a ready to go live once a license is purchased. You will have a general understanding of the app, and we will set any of the permissions needed to make it easier for you to manage. Once installed and configured, you can see how it works in your environment to make sure it meets your sync requirement and feel confident knowing your Add2Exchange deployment will be ready to go live once a license is purchased. Remote sessions average about an hour to an hour and a half. Sessions are held by appointment weekdays between 9 AM and 5 PM ET, excluding U.S. holidaysWhen you move forward with licensing the app, the time used for initial installation and set up will be deducted from the block of Premier Support hours included in the license value bundle. If after trialing the app you feel it is not the right fit, you owe nothing and we will just set up a time to uninstall the app and de-replicate. 

The trial version is fully functional for 21 days and available for download from our website. The trial countdown begins when the first relationship is created so make sure you have enough time on hand to test the app since the trial is not extended. Once the trial ends, synchronization stops. When the trial runs out, you simply purchase a license to use the app, submit a license registration request from within the app, and then our Licensing Desk will email you an activation license key(s) and it should automatically activate it out of trial mode so you can continue using it.

DidItBetter Software Annual Support Plan

Our DidItBetter Annual Support Plans covers support on the DidItBetter Software licensed app for one calendar year. Different from your Software Assurance which covers your update and upgrade download subscription, the Annual Support Plan covers remote and phone support on a single DidItBetter Software installation. Our engineers will assist you with updates, relationship set up and modifications, configuration help, the DidItBetter Software side of an Exchange migration and replication server move support. This DidItBetter Annual Support specifically does not cover third party support or customization services under this annual service plan.

We offer three levels of Annual Support and sessions are by appointment.

  • Business Hours Access. Covers unlimited DidItBetter Software support during normal business hours. Sessions are held by appointment weekdays between the hours of 9 AM and 5 PM ET, excluding U.S. holidays.
  • Extended Business Hours Access. Covers unlimited DidItBetter Software support during extended business hours. Sessions are held by appointment weekdays between the hours of 7 AM and 10 PM ET, excluding U.S. holidays.
  • 24/7 Support Access. Covers unlimited DidItBetter Software support 24/7 (excluding U.S. holidays) and sessions are by appointment. For emergency support requests after normal business hours, a hotline number will be provided to the designated primary technical contact in your organization and general response time is within 4 hours.

Prerequisites: an active DidItBetter Software product license with valid software assurance and tool licenses. Remote support access via a remote connection is required for our engineers to connect to the replication machine.  

Migration and Move Support

Why go it alone? With all technology, unexpected things just happen or things don’t go exactly as planned. A little preparation ahead of time can help. Let us lend a helping hand during the process to make the DidItBetter side of your migration go smoothly. Migration and move support is covered under Premier Support for remote assistance on all DidItBetter Software apps.

Migration and Move Support Applies To:
    • Migrating from on premise Exchange to Office 365
    • Migrating on premise Exchange to a newer version on the same box, but leaving Add2Exchange where it is
    • Moving only Add2Exchange to a newer replication machine
    • Moving and migrating both Exchange and Add2Exchange
    • Moving Exchange without moving Add2Exchange
    • Moving to a new platform (Office 365 / Hosted Exchange) and use Add2Exchange
    • Moving Add2Outlook to another newer replication machine
    • Reinstalling Add2Exchange due to a third party issue
    • Reinstalling Add2Outlook due to a third party issue

What You’ll Need Beforehand

  • Preflight Consult and License Check. When you in the planning stage, contact us for a preflight tech consultation to review the DidItBetter Software app side of the upcoming migration/move. Our Customer Care team will also do a license check and provide a quote for anything needed for this upcoming project. Don’t delay! Open a ticket online to request a preflight phone consultation appointment. If you already migrated / moved without taking into consideration the DidItBetter Software app installed and without a preflight consult, Premier Support will be required for remote access support on the Add2Exchange or Add2Outlook app – open a ticket and request the first available appointment.
  • Premier Support for remote help with the DidItBetter app.  Make sure you have Premier Support in place prior to your migration/move session and anything else recommended from your license check. The average migration takes anywhere from 1 to 3 hours depending on how it’s approached. One free license transfer is included for your upcoming migration project for re-licensing the app for the same end user company (value $150). NOTE: Licenses are non-transferable from one end user company to another.
  • Migration/Move Tools may be required depending on how you approach the migration/move. If you don’t have a value bundle then you may not have licensed the tools. If not, we’ll send you a quote.

New to our DidItBetter Software Apps?

If you’re a new managed services provider responsible for an end user’s DidItBetter Software sync app installation or you inherited taking over as the new DidItBetter Software Sync Administrator role in your organization, no worries, we can help get you up to speed. Under the end user’s Premier Support plan, we will remotely connect to the replication machine/vm and provide you an orientation familiarizing you with the end user’s sync configuration. If the designated technical contact changes in your organization within the software assurance term and re-training is required for transition purposes and proper operation review, on-boarding and off-boarding, a Premier Support session is highly recommended.

Contact Us

Not sure what level of support you need? Start a live chat or contact us by opening a ticket online.