Add Relationships
If you’re a DidItBetter Software licensed end user with valid software assurance and need to add more relationships to your licensed folder type, you’re eligible for a discounted additional relationship license. Select a single relationship to add 1 more relationship to your licensed folder type, or choose one of our discounted add-on packs.
Once purchased, submit a registration request from the Console License Menu for the total number of relationships (number of relationships in use + the number of additional relationships purchased). The software assurance for these new relationships will line up with your current software assurance end date.
If you need to upgrade the number of relationships licensed for more than one folder type, license a different folder type, crossgrade to another DidItBetter sync product, or if your software assurance has expired, contact us for your options and pricing — start a live chat, email, call 813 977 5739 or +1 (813) 977 5739 ext 100.
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